Women Who Cowork is a global community for female coworking founders and thought leaders. They provide resources, mentorship and support to women leaders in the coworking movement. It is a community built by women who have lived your experience. Women Who Cowork was formed in 2016 when Iris Kavanagh and Laura Shook Guzman met and decided to work together to amplify and highlight the work of women and non-binary people in the coworking industry. As passionate early adopters of the coworking model, and with a combined 28 years of experience, Iris and Laura have lived your experiences as women in business and have chosen to remain allegiant to themselves, and to their strengths and values as women. Through Women Who Cowork, they are combining their superpowers in an effort to grow and build a supportive community for the women running coworking spaces. Women Who Cowork provides support, resources and mentorship for entrepreneurial women who are thought-leaders in the coworking movement and/or own a coworking space, or multiple spaces through a platform which offers tools and space for us to connect, share ideas, ask for support and co-inspire one another! Despite the many ways that a coworking space can be configured, there is a core belief at the center of this movement, and that belief is that we are stronger, more creative, healthier and more balanced when we work in collaboration with one another. The majority of them, committed to the coworking platform, believe that their future societal challenges will not be resolved through the lens of rugged individualism or dualistic thinking. The path that lies ahead is one that will require us to work together, dream of new possibilities, and create sustainable structures to bring these ideas into being. And, women, are leading the way. Women Who Cowork mission is to amplify the coworking movement. They hold retreats, meetups and online events, all designed to support their growing coworking movement from the unique perspective of being a woman or non-binary person in business. Whether you own and operate your own space or you are dreaming of launching a coworking community, this online platform has been especially designed to provide connection, support, innovative ideas and inspiration.
Running Remote 2022 is the world’s largest conference dedicated to meeting the critical business challenges of remote and hybrid workplace transformation. Now in its 5th year, we offer remote-first founders and hybrid-team leaders access to the knowledge, connections and solutions to help build, manage and lead remote teams to excellence. The new hybrid format event for 2022 – across desktop, mobile and in-person – live and on-demand, will give up to 500+ in-person and 500+ online attendees the opportunity to network with, and learn from, your company and other industry leaders. Running Remote is carefully curated to teach you next-level, actionable strategies and tactics you can utilize the very next day to manage and grow your remote team. This is the conference they’ve been trying to find, but until now it didn’t exist. Running Remote cover every facet of building a remote team to help develop the future of work. Leading remote work tech companies, online collaboration thought leaders and outsourcing business owners under one roof. There are three types of people that join Running Remote: a. Remote-first Founders and C-level executives. They are people who actively run remote operations for their established companies of min 5+ employees. Founders who are scaling and building their business and need help with remote management. Whether you’ve been remote-first from the start or just transitioning now, it’s a place for you. b. People Ops Executives for remote-first companies. They are Executives who “design work” to enable employees to bring their best to the job every day, they are proactively involved in shaping strategic decisions around work by understanding high-level business objectives and crucial aims for remote-first companies. c. Heads of Remote. They are executives who are focused on making remote work as easy and rewarding as possible for the company’s employees. People who serve as a cross-functional internal consultant to evolve key pillars e.g. L&D, knowledge management, and onboarding so that each function becomes more effective in a distributed setting. The main purpose of Running Remote Conference is to find solutions to common challenges remote teams face as establishing a strong remote culture, learning how to collaborate across time zones, building rapport amongst colleagues, and finding out how others transitioned from office-base to remote-first companies, avoiding mistakes they’ve made.
Hello! I am Natacha and I am a Chemical engineering graduate from the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. I am a self-motivated and positive team player. I’m friendly, professional, flexible and organised. I pay good attention to details and can work independently and own initiative. I efficiently communicate in French and English. I have excellent computer skills including outlook, word and Excel. I have worked extensively in customer services and have developed communication, problem-solving, analytical thinking, collaboration, performance and marketing skills that built me ready for any organisation including Zagenie. I can’t wait to be part of Zagenie Family!
I am a Zambian born, comes from a family of 8 and the youngest of the Mwilas. My siblings always thought I was spoilt because I was the youngest, but I don’t think so! I was born in a town called Mufulira on the Copper belt side of Zambia in 1981,the Copper belt province is rich with mineral finds and Mines, hence the name. I am Married to Eric and we have a beautiful daughter called Chanda, she is 15 years. I completed my matric in 1999 and my mother advised me to study food production since I loved cooking, I did it for her though it was a course that I never dreamt of studying. I graduated successfully and worked for 2 years as a chef, got tired of cooking, I dodged that career and went into studying computers, worked as a receptionist and studied Human resources at the same time and obtained a diploma. I worked for a courier company too. In 2012, I moved to South Africa, Cape Town when I got married, joined a Mobile Money company called Zoona with operations in Zambia, and I worked there for 5 years as a support agent. Zoona is an African fintech company founded in 2009 with the vision of helping communities thrive. Since launching, it created over 2,500 jobs in Zambia and Malawi, empowered over 1,000 entrepreneurs to start their own business and allowed them to reach earnings of over $10 million. I enjoyed working for this company because we really helped girl child prevail. Apart from the above, I am a lover of interior designing, and my wish is to have one of the most successful Interior business one day, through my passion for interior, I designed my sister’s Kitchen area, how amazing!!! I love cooking and baking (especially Cake pops), they are my favorites!!! I love adventure, gardening and working out too, I am a gym freak. Most importantly, I love spending time with my loved ones. I reflect a varied personality, including ambition, and the qualities of generosity and thoughtfulness. I am also a well determined and vigorous individual, and yet calm. I encourage fighting for what you desire and believe in and doing it through God because nothing great comes easy. I believe mindfulness in the workplace is key to success. Having worked in Customer care I have gained extensive experience in; Empathy, Adaptability, Ability to Use Positive Language, Clear Communication Skills, Self-Control, Taking Responsibility and Patience.
I have four passions in life. My sport, family, work and God. Each I pursue with dogged determination to be better and to excel. The greatest blessing and experience in life is the privilege of life is having a loving and supporting wife and incredible children. My relationship with each of them is treasured above all. I am blessed in that I am healthy, enjoy the blessing of life and am extremely active. I am thrilled to be able to compete on the international stage for home and country. Success therein is just a cherry on top. Career and work has been an incredible experience. Knowing what I wanted to be early in high school and achieving such has brought about economic emancipation and a lifestyle I could only dream about as a little boy. I bask in the success and abilities given to me and the blessing poured out in great abundance.
Girls Who Code is an international non-profit organization working to close the gender gap in technology and change the image of what a programmer looks like and does. With their 7-week Summer Immersion Program, after school Clubs, College Loops program and New York Times best-selling series, they are leading the movement to inspire, educate, and equip young women with the computing skills to pursue 21st-century opportunities. Girls Who Code has reached 300,000 girls around the world. Girls Who Code values diversity, equity and inclusion as essential to their mission. They focus their work not only on gender diversity but also on young women who are historically underrepresented in computer science fields. They offer clubs for students to explore coding in a fun & friendly environment, a wide range of programs aimed at supporting college-aged students and early career professionals (18-25) in persisting in their computer science education and succeeding in their first internships and jobs, and a virtual summer program for high school students to learn coding and make an impact in their community while preparing for a career in tech.
Esade es una institución académica global integrada por una Business School, una Law School y un área de Executive Education. Esta institución es conocida por la calidad de su educación, su visión internacional y un enfoque claro en el desarrollo holístico de la persona. Esade aplica un modelo de aprendizaje propio e innovador, basado en la interiorización de valores y el desarrollo de competencias profesionales y directivas. El equipo de profesores está siempre en la búsqueda de generar nuevo conocimiento que contribuya a mejorar la dinámica de las organizaciones, la empresa y la práctica jurídica. Además, la institución pone a disposición una plataforma de encuentro y debate con el propósito de contribuir a la mejora de la sociedad. La actividad educativa que se desarrolla en Esade se configura como un sistema de doble vía, en el que profesorado y estudiantes co-construyen y comparten responsabilidades sobre el proceso de aprendizaje, reproduciendo la complejidad de los entornos profesionales y directivos a los que en su día deberá hacerse frente. El profesorado continúa desempeñando un rol estratégico, en primer lugar, asegurando la calidad de las fuentes de conocimiento y aportando conocimientos frontera desde la investigación; en segundo lugar, ofreciendo las claves para analizar las posibles soluciones a los retos de aprendizaje planteados, así como las condiciones que las hacen más efectivas; y, finalmente, guiando a los estudiantes en la transferencia de lo aprendido a nuevas situaciones de aprendizaje. En Esade la metodología de enseñanza es denominada “Student first” que comprende los siguientes aspectos: Va de la información al conocimiento. El énfasis pasa de transmitir información a crear meta-conocimiento aplicable al análisis de realidades concretas y el profesorado pone a prueba a sus estudiantes, que consolidan sus aprendizajes con base en retos y proyectos orientados a la acción. Los conceptos básicos se trabajan con anterioridad a las sesiones presenciales. Se utilizan formatos online, lecturas, videos y pruebas que confirman la adquisición de los conceptos básicos necesarios y permiten asistir a clase; el aula es para clarificar, profundizar, aplicar y contrastar perspectivas. Las plataformas y contenidos digitales adquieren un peso fundamental en el proceso. Estos recursos permiten trasladar fuera del aula una parte importante del aprendizaje individual, de las interacciones entre profesores y estudiantes, e incluso de la misma evaluación de los aprendizajes. Se aprende en modo "gran angular" saltando las barreras de las disciplinas académicas. El mundo no es un puzzle de asignaturas diseñadas por profesorado desde sus respectivos silos de conocimiento. Es una realidad compleja que hay que aprender a entender y manejar de un modo multidisciplinar.
En Cloudworks, ofrecen centros de coworking para las empresas o los freelancers que buscan un espacio flexible para trabajar. Sus ubicaciones cuentan con áreas comunes y terrazas espectaculares, ideales para potenciar tu proyecto en las mejores zonas de Barcelona y Madrid. Organizan eventos para facilitar conexiones y fomentar la formación continua. En Cloudworks cuentan con una gran red de contactos para impulsar sinergias y networking. Además, incluyen todos los servicios disponibles para facilitar tu día a día y que trabajes cómodamente, tales como internet de alta velocidad, sala de reuniones y muchas más alternativas personalizables para que tu equipo se sienta cómodo. Se encargan de adaptar cada detalle para ofrecer un lugar de trabajo eficiente y versátil gracias a su variedad de áreas comunes. En ellas podrás trabajar, reunirte con coworkers y colegas, o simplemente tomarte un café. En Cloudworks, creen que el espacio es tan importante como la propia idea, por eso siempre buscan superar tus expectativas. En Cloudworks, sus valores se fundamentan en la colaboración, la innovación y las sinergias entre profesionales. Por ello, sus espacios están concebidos para facilitar conexiones y cuentan con un equipo especializado en comunidades para acompañarte. En Cloudworks entienden que las formas de trabajar han cambiado. Por ello, se esfuerzan por alcanzar las exigencias actuales del entorno de empresas y startups, garantizando la máxima flexibilidad. En Cloudworks encontrarás un servicio integral para impulsar tu productividad y el confort de tu equipo.
Oportunitas nace en el año 2016 y su equipo aglutina más de 15 años de experiencia en el sector de las microfinanzas sociales y en actividades de inclusión laboral. Con esta sólida base profesional, conocimiento del sector y sólidas relaciones institucionales, Oportunitas aspira a ser la primera institución española de microcréditos sociales que opera a nivel nacional. Oportunitas es una microfinanciera social que provee microcréditos, formación y acompañamiento a aquellas personas que no tienen acceso a la banca tradicional por falta de avales o garantías. Actualmente, y para poder actuar como proveedor de servicios financieros y no financieros, Oportunitas se estructura en dos entidades jurídicas diferentes, pero que actúan de manera conjunta: una es la Fundación Oportunitas y la otra es IMF Oportunitas S.L. La Fundación Oportunitas está inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones de competencia estatal N. 1863 y como tal, es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro. La Fundación se sostiene también gracias a la actividad comercial de IMF Oportunitas S.L. Oportunitas replica un modelo típico de IMF (Institución Microfinanciera), en el que una entidad sin ánimo de lucro, la Fundación, es a la vez partícipe e impulsora de una sociedad limitada, responsable de la actividad crediticia. La Fundación lleva a cabo la formación, la capacitación, el acompañamiento y la evaluación del impacto social. Además, vela por el cumplimiento de la misión social para garantizar que IMF Oportunitas S.L. otorgue microcréditos sociales respetando su misión, visión y valores. La evaluación del impacto social consiste en la medición del impacto que espera lograr la fundación a corto y largo plazo en los emprendedores con los que trabaja. La evaluación incorpora tres dimensiones: económica-laboral, emocional y social. El sistema de evaluación de su desempeño social es un compromiso que tenemos con sus usuarios, con el entorno emprendedor, y principalmente con el trabajo que realiza Oportunitas, para poder contar con evidencias que les permiten valorar como están haciendo su trabajo, y como desarrollar procesos de mejora continua.
Founded in 2010, OpenIDEO—IDEO’s open innovation practice—enables people worldwide to come together and build solutions for today's toughest societal problems. Online and around the globe, OpenIDEO works with world-class partners to convene diverse communities that collectively develop ideas and accelerate social innovation. OpenIDEO’s platform expands on the power of crowdsourcing, equipping participants with resources, connections, and design tools to create real impact. After tackling dozens of topics ranging from food waste to girls' education to Ebola, people everywhere are designing a better future with OpenIDEO. Their idea is to offer an open innovation platform where people from all corners of the world collaboratively tackle some of the toughest global issues through launching Challenges, programs, and other tailored experiences. A Challenge is a three-to-five month collaborative process that focuses attention on the topic and creates a space for community members to contribute and build off each other. This approach is modeled on IDEO's design thinking methodology. OpenIDEO is a place where people design better, together for social good. It's an online platform for creative thinkers: the veteran designer and the new guy who just signed on, the critic and the MBA, the active participant and the curious lurker. Together, this makes up the creative guts of OpenIDEO. To become a place where good ideas gain momentum, OpenIDEO depends on participation — your inspirations, his comments, her concepts, our design process. It's these efforts, these big and small moments of sharing and collaboration, that make this platform a dynamic resource for tackling significant global challenges. IDEO, a design and innovation firm, developed OpenIDEO as a way to include a broader range of people in the design process through inspiration, concepting, and evaluation.
Barcelona Activa es la agencia de desarrollo económico local de Barcelona. Como agencia de desarrollo local, su misión es contribuir con la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas, promoviendo la competitividad económica de la ciudad y el reequilibrio de los territorios mediante el fomento del empleo, el impulso a nuevos emprendedores y el apoyo a un tejido empresarial plural, diverso y sostenible, desde una perspectiva económica, social y ambiental. Su visión es convertir a Barcelona en una ciudad de referencia internacional para trabajar, emprender y vivir con valores sociales y ambientales Gracias a que la actividad económica y productiva de Barcelona diversifica su oferta en sectores de actividad estratégicos, tanto emergentes como consolidados, que actúan como verdaderos motores económicos, de innovación y generadores de empleo, estableciendo a Barcelona como referente internacional. Es por ello que Barcelona Activa pone el foco en impulsar los siguientes sectores considerados estratégicos: Economía digital, Industrias creativas y culturales, Salud y bio, Deporte (sportstech) y Alimentación (foodtech), Industria 4.0, Economía azul y Economía verde, Economía de proximidad, Economía del visitante y Comercio y restauración. Para lograr sus objetivos, Barcelona Activa ofrece los siguientes servicios: asesoramiento personalizado para ayudar a los trabajadores, autónomos, emprendedores y empresas con alternativas que se adapten a sus necesidades; una amplia oferta formativa tanto presencial como en línea; acompañamiento a lo largo de toda la trayectoria profesional y empresarial con actividades y programas intensivos que se adecuen a las necesidades, perfil o sector en cada caso; facilitar el acceso a empresas, personas y entidades que puedan ser de ayuda para el crecimiento de los proyectos, poniendo a disposición un espacio de networking en el que conectan a las empresas con el talento y a las start-ups con el ecosistema emprendedor; finalmente, también ofrecen apoyo específico para organizaciones y proyectos de la economía social y solidaria (ESS).
SINGA se esfuerza por impulsar una sociedad inclusiva que abrace diversidad y por una economía innovadora que permita a todos, independientemente del origen, realizar su potencial profesional y social. Se trata de una asociación que genera vínculos y ecosistemas inclusivos entre personas migrantes, refugiadas y gente local a través del emprendimiento, la creatividad y el diseño. Apoyan a personas creativas, emprendedoras, transformadoras y creadoras para lograr su potencial a través de una red colaborativa. A través de eventos y talleres participativos, crean espacios físicos y mentales para la construcción de vínculos y crean una plataforma para que los miembros de la comunidad puedan comunicar sus proyectos. También proponen constantemente programas, talleres e incubadoras, enfocadas en potenciar proyectos y emprendimientos de personas migrantes, e impulsar la diversidad en el mundo de las startups. Además, ofrecen consultoría de diseño e innovación social, para acompañar a las organizaciones en sus procesos de cambio para generar impacto social positivo. Desde 2012, SINGA ha estado creando estos eventos, herramientas y nuevos espacios para motivar tanto a las personas recién llegadas como a las personas locales a encontrar sinergias, aprender unos de otros y construir juntos un futuro más brillante, gracias a: Una comunidad global de 50.000 miembros que reúne a personas refugiadas, migrantes y personas locales a través de pasiones, habilidades y proyectos comunes. Una red de incubadoras locales en 18 ciudades de 7 países que trabaja con personas emprendedoras para desarrollar proyectos de inclusión exitosos. Un ecosistema virtuoso que une a la comunidad, líderes e instituciones para reinventar la inclusión y el futuro de la migración. SINGA España empezó en diciembre 2018 en Barcelona. Desde entonces, han realizado más de 20 eventos de formación, interculturalidad y diversión con más de 15 organizaciones colaboradoras y se ha alcanzado una comunidad de +200 personas. Hasta el momento, ya han cocreado 3 programas basados en la mentoría y la preincubación.
Hootsuite offers a suite of social media management tools (available in Team, Professional, Enterprise, and other plans) that are accessible via their websites and mobile applications. These tools allow you to bring together all of your social media accounts for easy access and management through a single online platform. Through this platform, you can manage your social media, marketing, and advertising campaigns; engage with your audiences; schedule and publish messages; and analyze the results of these activities. Collectively, they refer to these tools as their “Services”. Their purpose is to empower organizations to build trust and deepen relationships through the power of social. In less than a decade, social media entirely reshaped how we live, work, and communicate. Today, it’s the first place people turn when they’re looking to discover, learn, and buy—and it’s an essential platform to build your brand, uncover deep strategic insights, and get closer to your customers. From smart social listening and engagement to AI-powered social commerce and customer care, Hootsuite has the scalable platform, deep expertise, strong industry partnerships, and bold vision to help your organization deliver world-class digital experiences to your customers at every stage of their journey—today and tomorrow. As they explain in their website, with Hootsuite you can: - Do more on social in less time: Save time by scheduling posts across all your social networks in just a few clicks. Automatically schedule your content and review posts in a simple calendar view. - Grow your social following the right way: Produce quality content that delights your audience and reaches more people. Access your image assets directly from the Hootsuite dashboard to make regular posting easy. - Find out what your customers really think: Keep an eye on the latest social conversations, trends, and brand mentions. Quickly respond to comments from an inbox that combines all your conversations from supported social networks in a single thread. - See what’s working. Do more of it: Invest in content that grows your business. Our social analytics dashboard shows your top performing content and gives personalized insights on why it’s working. - Collaborate together as a team: Respond to customers faster and boost positive sentiment on your social channels. Assign, re-assign, and resolve social posts with team members to discuss the best way to respond.
FutureLearn is a global learning platform with a mission to transform access to education by offering the best online courses from the world's leading universities and brands. People can participate in the courses for free, or in the upgrade or unlimited modalities that allow them to enjoy greater benefits in planning and carrying out any of the courses. From microcredentials to ExpertTracks and short courses, they offer accredited and unaccredited world-class education that is 100% online, on-demand, and social. Their courses allow learners to unlock highly skilled new career paths, and empower themselves to change the world. In FutureLearn you can learn anything. Whether you want to develop as a professional or discover a new hobby, there's an online course for that. You can even take your learning further with online programs and degrees. Furthermore, it is possible to join millions of people from around the world learning together. Online learning is as easy and natural as chatting with a group of friends. This platform give you the opportunity to learn with experts in an easy and accessibly way. You can meet educators from top universities and cultural institutions, who'll share their experience through videos, articles, quizzes and discussions. To use FutureLearn you only have to register and pick a course. Browse their course list to find something that you’d like to learn about. They have courses in a diverse range of subjects and are always adding more. Courses vary in length. Most are six to ten weeks long, but they also have some shorter two and three-week courses. Once the course begins, a link will appear on your courses' dashboard. This will take you to the course ‘To do’ list, which will show you what to do next. FutureLearn courses are divided into weeks. These contain various activities that you should aim to complete within the week, each one built from a sequence of straightforward steps, to help you learn. Each week is given a descriptive name, so you always know what’s expected, and you can even navigate between them, to see what’s coming up, or catch up from the beginning if you’re late starting. In FutureLearn you can find a social learners community that enjoy learning together. With each course, they empower and inspire their learners, partners, and their selves to develop through the power of lifelong learning.
I’m a family person, hard-working woman, a mom of a handsome boy, adventurers and a God fearing woman. I was working at the Department of Health as an Administration Clerk for 5 years. We’ve open N.P.O Youth development Initiative. We develop youth in programs such as soccer, our learning about our Xhosa culture and also study lessons for struggling students in our community. We conduct awareness campaigns about the dangers of using alcohol and drugs. We facilitated the formation of support groups in my province to support these campaigns. And I have a strong passion for farming. We’ve started poultry farming, selling eggs in our community. I’ve also done a short course in Public Financial Management Act (PFMA) at the University of Fort Hare in 2009.
Dcollab es un espacio de co-working en Madrid que se encuentra operativo desde el 2010. Gracias a que sus espacios pueden ser utilizados 24/7 y a que cuenta con una ubicación muy céntrica, las instalaciones de Dcollab se han convertido en una alternativa para autónomos y empresas que buscan un espacio cómodo y flexible para trabajar. En el interior de sus instalaciones se pueden encontrar dos ambientes: el Workspace, diseñado para ofrecer un ambiente cómodo para trabajar y, el Eventspace, que cuenta con salones abiertos para celebrar distintos tipos de eventos, tales como reuniones corporativas, presentaciones de marcas, eventos híbridos, experiencias gastronómicas o caterings. El uso del área de trabajo, Workspace, se puede hacer bajo la modalidad de puesto fijo de co-working o la modalidad de despachos privados, que tienen una capacidad de 2 a 5 personas. En ambas opciones, los miembros podrán disfrutar de una cantidad de horas por persona en las salas de reuniones, hacer uso de las cabinas individuales en las que se pueden llevar a cabo llamadas privadas por tiempo ilimitado y sin necesidad de hacer reservación previamente, disfrutar del servicio de Internet de alta velocidad y hacer uso de los equipos disponibles en la workstation, tales como scanner e impresora. Otro de los beneficios que se pueden aprovechar al utilizar las instalaciones de Dcollab como espacio de trabajo, es la domiciliación, recepción, avisos de visitas y paquetería. Con el fin de ofrecer un ambiente cómodo, en el que el trabajo sea algo ameno, también ponen a disposición espacios de esparcimiento como cocina, terraza y clases de yoga online que ayuden a aumentar la productividad laboral de cada uno de sus miembros. Las reservaciones de los espacios pueden hacerse a través de su app móvil y las tarifas se pueden consultar directamente en su página web. Los profesionales que más frecuentas las instalaciones de Dcollab son aquellos que están relacionados con el área creativa como diseñadores gráficos, editores, consultores de marketing, creativos, entre otros.
The Shed Coworking es un espacio de trabajo ubicado en el barrio de Salamanca en Madrid. El objetivo de los fundadores de este espacio de trabajo es acompañar a todas las personas que deseen realizar su actividad profesional desde sus instalaciones, haciendo todo lo posible para que los días laborales sean más productivos, acompañados con una sonrisa gracias a un trato cálido y profesional. Los promotores de este espacio son sus mismos fundadores, quienes ponen a disposición su apoyo y acompañamiento desde la compresión de las dificultades, beneficios y motivación que involucra la experiencia de emprender un negocio o la de trabajar en espacios diferentes a la oficina tradicional a la que la mayoría de las personas se encuentra acostumbradas. Los servicios que se pueden disfrutar en las instalaciones de The Shed Coworking son espacios de trabajo compartidos, oficinas privadas, salas de reuniones y la domiciliación de empresas. Cada uno de los espacios de trabajo disponibles en las instalaciones de The Shed Coworking, se caracterizan por ser salas cálidas y luminosas con una capacidad para pocas personas, de manera que se eviten los elementos distractores y que cada persona pueda sacar el mayor rendimiento de su jornada laboral. La idea principal de estos espacios es ofrecer un lugar en el que puedas trabajar tan a gusto como en casa, pero sin las distracciones o interrupciones que frecuentemente aparecen en el hogar. Otros de los servicios disponibles en este sitio de co-working son una sala relax, acceso a eventos exclusivos, apoyo y networking, presencia online, seguridad, directorio físico y digital, servicio de impresión, conexión a Internet, entre otros. Además del espacio físico, The Shed Coworking también ofrece la posibilidad de domiciliar tu empresa en su sede para que puedas contar con una oficina virtual. El objetivo de este servicio es que los profesionales tengan a disposición un sinfín de soluciones que pueden aumentar la productividad del negocio sin necesidad de desplazarse. Esta opción está pensada principalmente para quienes necesiten una dirección representativa donde domiciliar una empresa y recibir la correspondencia. Las tarifas que The Shed Coworking ofrece dependen del tipo de sala que se desee utilizar, la cantidad de tiempo y el horario. Esto permite que haya una opción que se adapte a las necesidades de cada uno de sus clientes, permitiéndoles que puedan trabajar como en casa, aumentar su productividad, relacionarse con profesionales que tienen los mismos intereses y motivaciones, y trabajar en un lugar en el que se sientan especiales.
Dissulto.com Time To LIVE Your Life! While comprehensive, this web presence is not always conducive to brevity. One PDF document contains everything in a nutshell. Digitally ready for distribution and inclusion in meeting notes. Everyone is entitled to live as they wish. If not content with your current circumstances, move. You are not a tree. Dissulto means to bounce, burst asunder and fly. It’s time to LIVE your life! Who No matter where in the world, nor what you do for a living, ANYONE can participate at no cost. With easy, step-by-step guidance on how to leverage this initiative, from your point of view: • Scholars & Students • Employment Seekers • Employed But Always Broke • Single & Stay-At-Home Parents • Struggling Business Owners • Administrators & Managers • Retrenched & Retired Folks • Successful Super Affiliates What A global network of proactive people, communicating courteously and collaborating ethically. Meeting online and in person. Learning how to improve themselves and the world around us. Contributing to a global directory of resources. Offering employment or looking for vacancies. Publicize and/or find events. Browse the marketplace with deals and discounts for members. • Community Forums • Meetups & Socials • Online Academy • The Directory • Global Map • JobsBoard • EventSpace • MarketPlace Where Primarily this initiative is online, but can be practised offline too. Bringing cyberspace down to earth, we combine the Internet with traditional ways to spread the word. Marketing around the globe, wherever members live. It’s in your heart and part of your soul. Reaching out to others in a professional and ethical manner, leading by example and creating synergy. There are no geographical boundaries, no constraints and no limit on earnings. Live local, think global, thrive universally. Where there is a will, there is a way, be it for work or combined with play. When There is no better time to get involved with this initiative, than now. No matter your current circumstances, be you scholar/student, looking for a job and/or unhappy in your employment. Perhaps a single or stay-at-home parent? Business owners, administrators and managers will appreciate another income stream. Many folks have been retrenched or in early retirement. Whatever your stage of life, start now to become a successful super affiliate! Why The Internet/Web has become a cesspool of discourteous behaviour. Polluted with spam and insulting hype. Unrealistic “get-rich-quick” schemes and MLM. Constant requests for donations and bombardment with ads. This initiative is a departure from the dastardly. Using old-school principles and ethical techniques to spread the word. Smarter ways to generate revenue. NO SPAM ~ NO HYPE ~ NO MLM ~ NO DONATIONS ~ NO ADVERTISING How Using a revenue sharing business model, this initiative offers anyone the opportunity to earn extra income, while at the same time helping various causes. By spreading the word, we create Unity, foster Community, motivate Affiliates to generate residual Revenue and promote Events. The technical core is a single-tier affiliate program. This is NOT multi-level marketing. There is zero cost to be an affiliate and no charge for training. Affiliates do not earn anything from the referrals of another affiliate. Recurring commissions are only paid to the first referring affiliate when new members subscribe. Nothing to sell, no products to stock nor buy. Everything is given to affiliates on a technical plate. Uniquely coded links and QR codes to share far and wide. Using social media networks to give the website/cause more exposure. Your statistics for click traffic, referrals and commissions are tracked in real time. Easy to follow tutorials are provided and every effort made to help you succeed. It’s a part-time job or full business in a digital box. Get paid to generate residual revenue while helping worthwhile causes!
Genially es una herramienta online, disponible desde 2015, que ofrece una amplia versatilidad para crear todo tipo de contenidos interactivos. La misión del equipo de trabajo es hacer posible que todo el mundo pueda crear contenidos visuales e interactivos de forma rápida y sencilla. Esta es la razón por la que trabajan por convertir al contenido interactivo en un formato de uso diario, tanto como dar los buenos días o mirar antes de cruzar. El acceso a esta plataforma puede ser de individual o por equipo de trabajo, en el cual se pueden realizar presentaciones, infografías, gamificaciones, imágenes interactivas y prácticamente cualquier tipo de material interactivo. Con más de 3000 plantillas realizadas por diseñadores profesionales y muchas otras reutilizables, que han sido creadas y compartidas por usuarios, el editor de Genially es un espacio de trabajo en el que te sientes como pez en el agua. No tienes que descargar nada, es online y muy fácil de usar. Las herramientas avanzadas y los recursos te ayudan a crear contenidos interactivos en poco tiempo. Además, es posible integrar tu trabajo en Genially con otras plataformas digitales, tales como Google Drive, para que utilices todos los recursos que necesites en tu presentación. Para acceder a esta plataforma solo es necesario registrarse en alguno de los planes disponibles, entre los que se encuentra una opción freemium, que permite que cualquier persona pueda utilizar la versión gratuita de la herramienta por tiempo ilimitado, o bien adquirir uno de los planes premium para usar todas las características avanzadas. Los creadores de Genially afirman que el implemento de la tecnología en la creación de contenido mejora la receptividad de la audiencia durante una presentación. Esto se debe a que es posible conseguir que las personas presten más atención gracias un alto componente visual, más participación debido a la interactividad que permite la plataforma, así como conseguir presentaciones memorables que sorprenden y son fáciles de recordar. Además del software de edición, Genially también cuenta con una Academia online para que todos los usuarios aprendan a sacar el mayor provecho de esta herramienta, lo que permite que pueda ser usada por empresas, estudiantes, profesores, e incluso, diseñadores. Genially is an online tool, available since 2015, that offers wide versatility to create all kinds of interactive content. The mission of their team is to make it possible for everyone to create visual and interactive content quickly and easily. This is why they work to make interactive content a format for everyday use, much like saying good morning or looking before crossing. The workspace can be used by individuals or teamworks, in which presentations, infographics, gamification, interactive images and practically any type of interactive material can be made. With over 3000 templates made by professional designers, and many other reusable ones, that have been created and shared by users, the Genially editor is a workspace where you feel at home. You don’t have to download anything; it’s online and easy to use. Advanced tools and resources help you create interactive content quickly. In addition, it is possible to integrate your work in Genially with other digital platforms, such as Google Drive, so that you can use all the resources you need in your presentation. To access this platform, it is only necessary to register into one of the available plans, among which there is a freemium option, which allows anyone to use a free version of the tool for a unlimited time, or purchase one of the premium plans to access the advanced features. The creators of Genially claim that the implementation of technology in content creation improves the receptivity of the audience during a presentation. This is because it allows to get people to pay more attention thanks to a highly visual component, more participation due to the interactivity that the platform allows, as well as to achieve memorable presentations that surprise and are easy to remember. In addition to the editing software, Genially also has an online Academy for all users to learn how to get the most out of this tool, which allows it to be used by companies, students, teachers, and even designers. Design creative presentations with Genially, the free online tool with thousands of templates to fit any theme. The result? The most effective presentations with interactivity and animation that attract better than a magnet.
Born in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo and I am currently living in South Africa at Cape Town for seven years. I am single from now and busy shaping my programming skills and IT knowledge at Cape Peninsula university of technology (CPUT). I am a software developer, I am always keen to discover and learn about new technology and invention in IT world, I have a good understanding of programming languages, internet cloud services and Desktop support CompTIA A+. I am a self-motivated person, reliable, determined, very skilful in communication, fast learner with an open mind to expose myself into new world and concept. Live is a journey about challenges and discovering that’s why I am always ready to face new challenge in technology and software world. I really like to play guitar and read books about science and others because knowledge for me is one of the keys to open doors, make a difference and discovering new area in live.
Dissulto.com Time To LIVE Your Life! Everyone is entitled to live as they wish. If not content with your current circumstances, move. You are not a tree. Dissulto means to bounce, burst asunder and fly. It’s time to LIVE your life! Who No matter where in the world, nor what you do for a living, ANYONE can participate at no cost. With easy, step-by-step guidance on how to leverage this initiative, from your point of view: • Scholars & Students • Employment Seekers • Employed But Always Broke • Single & Stay-At-Home Parents • Struggling Business Owners • Administrators & Managers • Retrenched & Retired Folks • Successful Super Affiliates What A global network of proactive people, communicating courteously and collaborating ethically. Meeting online and in person. Learning how to improve themselves and the world around us. Contributing to a global directory of resources. Offering employment or looking for vacancies. Publicize and/or find events. Browse the marketplace with deals and discounts for members. • Community Forums • Meetups & Socials • Online Academy • The Directory • Global Map • JobsBoard • EventSpace • MarketPlace Where Primarily this initiative is online, but can be practised offline too. Bringing cyberspace down to earth, we combine the Internet with traditional ways to spread the word. Marketing around the globe, wherever members live. It’s in your heart and part of your soul. Reaching out to others in a professional and ethical manner, leading by example and creating synergy. There are no geographical boundaries, no constraints and no limit on earnings. Live local, think global, thrive universally. Where there is a will, there is a way, be it for work or combined with play. When There is no better time to get involved with this initiative, than now. No matter your current circumstances, be you scholar/student, looking for a job and/or unhappy in your employment. Perhaps a single or stay-at-home parent? Business owners, administrators and managers will appreciate another income stream. Many folks have been retrenched or in early retirement. Whatever your stage of life, start now to become a successful super affiliate! Why The Internet/Web has become a cesspool of discourteous behaviour. Polluted with spam and insulting hype. Unrealistic “get-rich-quick” schemes and MLM. Constant requests for donations and bombardment with ads. This initiative is a departure from the dastardly. Using old-school principles and ethical techniques to spread the word. Smarter ways to generate revenue. NO SPAM ~ NO HYPE ~ NO MLM ~ NO DONATIONS ~ NO ADVERTISING How Using a revenue sharing business model, this initiative offers anyone the opportunity to earn extra income, while at the same time helping various causes. By spreading the word, we create Unity, foster Community, motivate Affiliates to generate residual Revenue and promote Events. The technical core is a single-tier affiliate program. This is NOT multi-level marketing. There is zero cost to be an affiliate and no charge for training. Affiliates do not earn anything from the referrals of another affiliate. Recurring commissions are only paid to the first referring affiliate when new members subscribe. Nothing to sell, no products to stock nor buy. Everything is given to affiliates on a technical plate. Uniquely coded links and QR codes to share far and wide. Using social media networks to give the website/cause more exposure. Your statistics for click traffic, referrals and commissions are tracked in real time. Easy to follow tutorials are provided and every effort made to help you succeed. It’s a part-time job or full business in a digital box. Get paid to generate residual revenue while helping worthwhile causes!
My name is Noxolo Femele and I'm 42 years old and I have 2 kids both are girls age 17 and 14. I worked for 43 Air School as a Receptionist for the past 5 year, and while I was there I used to help out at the Admin area and at Marketing department. And that had lead me on having the ambition to become 1 of the Managers, but unfortunately we got retrenched. Then I went to work at Lendcor group for 1 year 6 months same we got retrenched. That's where I decided to start my small business just to make money and put food on the table until now, but things are not going well due to Covid-19.
I am a God fearing individual, and I’m also a father to two beautiful kids, a boy and a girl. I worked for Tekkie Town as a Sales Assistant and I was chosen as the best Sales person for the entire Mpumalanga province. I also worked for the Department of agriculture as a Data capture. I have a passion for sports, football is one of my favourites and one day I wish I can own a soccer team. While I was in high school, I always wanted to be a lawyer but due to financial constraints I could not become one. My interest in the justice system came when I realised that the late former president Mr Nelson Mandela was also a lawyer representing his people. I wish one day I could give back to my community and its people because my community gave us the likes of the late Steve Bantu Biko, one of the BCM Members who fought for the people of South Africa. My community is one of the underdeveloped communities of this country, but I know that one day all of this will change because I know that with education anything is possible. When a child is educated communities will change for the better and if one community changes, then our country will change for the better as well and poverty will be no more. Education topped with one’s perseverance is the key to a bright future for all. With this pandemic people have lost their jobs and in some households you find that no one is working and people resort to drugs and alcohol, some get depressed to a point of taking their own lives. If we can start developing jobs for people, our continent would become a better place for us all. Being part of an initiative that supports the empowerment of those less privileged is one of my greatest wishes. I will be glad if all my wishes do come through because nothing is as important as education and hard work, and an educated country means a better world for us all.
My name is Glorymar Hernandez, but I prefer to be called “Glory”. I was born in the capital of Venezuela, Caracas, and grew up amid the crowds of the city, the tranquility of the Andean mountains and the joy of the Caribbean coast. A mixture that has taught me to enjoy wherever I am, that aroused my curiosity to know the world, and that has helped me to adapt, with relative ease, to changes. I have a degree in Philosophy, my research works are in Philosophy of Language. Since 2019 I have been working as a Spanish teacher. I decided to start teaching my mother tongue thanks to my experience learning other languages. I had the opportunity to live for a year in Ireland, where I went to learn English and, currently, I am in Italy, where I have had the opportunity to learn Italian. These experiences allowed me to realize that, although seeking perfection when trying to “speak like a native” is the ideal, what really matters is being able to communicate, make ourselves understood and be open to the experience of knowing other cultures and understand that there are many different points of view. Professionally, I have had the opportunity to work in different contexts such as banking, outsourcing consular procedures, and teaching at university level. The biggest lesson I learned from these experiences is that I am not an office person. I prefer to own my time and have the freedom to work wherever I am. For this reason, I have decided to dedicate myself to teaching Spanish online and to enter the digital world. I consider myself a very curious and versatile person, that is why in my free time I enjoy handcrafting (such as sewing or knitting), volunteering, being in contact with nature, and trying to learn new things, like playing the guitar. Regarding my geographical preferences, the beach and the mountains are my main refuges, because I can escape from the noise of the city and connect with myself. That is why I would like to be able to live with my husband on a mountain, not far from the sea.
I’m Toni-Leigh, born and bred in the Mother City of Cape Town. My fiancé and I, are parents to a lively 2-year-old girl who arrived 5 years after losing our 3-year-old son to a rare genetic disease. I love learning new things. Growing up, I was a voracious reader, reading anything and everything (even the classifieds and property ads) and with the advancement of technology over the years, I can have information at the tip of my fingers, so I’m always eager to learn new things and I’m a fast learner. I’ve always had an interest in Information Technology and was the go-to person in my office before my colleagues would go to the IT office, and now I’m looking into further studies so that I can develop my knowledge and skills. In 2005, I graduated from Varsity College with a Diploma in Travel and Tourism with aspirations of travelling worldwide in my profession. Things didn’t quite work out that way, having worked in retail and a company assisting young people to live and work in the UK. In the last decade or so, I’ve been in the tourism industry behind the scenes, working for an online holiday accommodation booking agency and more recently a company that does tours and safaris in Southern Africa. I also do freelance work remotely, such as, captioning for a speech-to-text service and social media evaluation. I am an introvert but enjoy working with and being in the company of others, while also enjoying being on my own. In the past I used to view being an introvert as a weakness because those higher up in the ranks of the companies I worked for were extroverted but in recent times I realised how much of a strength it is being an introvert as I also have a strong sense of empathy, which I believe is key in Customer Service and building interpersonal relationships with colleagues and clients. I’m passionate about customer service and going the extra mile and l love that feeling of knowing that I’ve made a difference in someone’s day whether big or small. People tend to describe me as hardworking, punctual, efficient, dependable and trustworthy. Covid-19 affected the tourism industry drastically, however, I still want to travel anywhere I can, just soaking up the different cultures and experiences. The last year has been both challenging and rewarding and it has made me see things in a different light and so it has been somewhat of a new beginning for me. I am motivated now more than ever to seek out new passions and adventures and to get out of my comfort zone.